5 Benefits of Dermaplaning

5 Benefits of Dermaplaning
Dermaplaning is a noninvasive cosmetic procedure that can brighten and smooth your skin in a very short amount of time. Find out more about the benefits of this simple yet highly effective aesthetic treatment here.

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure where a dermatologist, cosmetologist, or other skin pro uses a scalpel to scrape off fine hairs and dead skin cells. This aesthetic process can help your complexion appear smoother and younger by removing the topmost layer of skin.

That top layer of skin is constantly exposed to harsh environmental toxins, irritants, and sun damage, leaving your complexion looking dull and aged. So, if you’re looking to have an invigorated appearance without the use of needles or other invasive procedures, dermaplaning may be an ideal solution for you.

Ben Cilento, MD, MHA, and our expert team at Butterfly MedSpa and Wellness in Spring, Texas, offer dermaplaning to help your skin feel and look its very best. Let’s take a closer look at the many benefits of dermaplaning, and how the whole procedure works. 

Five major benefits of dermaplaning

The kind of benefits you can reap from dermaplaning depend on your skin type and tone as well as your medical history. However, these are some of the main cosmetic advantages that we think are highly worth mentioning:

  1. Smoother and brighter skin
  2. More even skin tone
  3. Removal of fine hairs or “peach fuzz”
  4. Reduced fine lines and wrinkles
  5. Reduced appearance of acne scars

For optimal results, you’ll want to see a professional team like ours at Butterfly MedSpa and Wellness.

What to expect when you come in for dermaplaning

Before we start the dermaplaning procedure, we sit down with you and make sure you’re a good candidate for this corrective skin care technique. Dermaplaning may not be right for you if you have active acne, a cold sore breakout, eczema, or psoriasis. 

If you are a good fit, we can discuss your skin objectives to make sure dermaplaning is the best method for achieving your aesthetic goals. 

Before we begin dermaplaning, we apply a topical numbing spray to keep you comfortable during the process and also cleanse your face to loosen up any dead skin cells. Then, we start the process of gently shaving your top layer skin with a scalpel. You may feel a slight stinging sensation, but you shouldn’t feel any pain. 

The entire process takes about 20-30 minutes, and you can go home right afterwards with your newly revitalized skin. 

Ready to renew your complexion?

To learn more about dermaplaning or to schedule a skin consultation, give us a call at 346-275-5090 today, or click online to book an appointment any time.