Get a Summer-Ready Physique with Noninvasive Body Sculpting

Get a Summer-Ready Physique with Noninvasive Body Sculpting
If you’ve decided to tighten and tone your physique before the warmer weather arrives, noninvasive body sculpting can help you attain your optimal shape. Here’s how body sculpting eliminates stubborn areas of fat and tightens loose skin.

Summer will be here before you know it. If you’ve been wanting to shed a few extra pounds before warmer weather arrives, now’s the time to start. You can lose weight most efficiently through a healthy regimen of good food choices, regular exercise, and proper sleep. However, sometimes, those last few pounds or stubborn areas of fat can be tough to lose. 

Enter body sculpting. Noninvasive body sculpting can effectively spot-reduce stubborn pockets of fat — helping you achieve a tighter, more toned body shape safely and quickly.

At Butterfly MedSpa and Wellness in Spring, Texas, Ben W. Cilento, MD, MHA, and the rest of our team offer a few different kinds of body sculpting to help you feel your very best when summer is here. Here’s how we can help you get your summer body just in time for the warmer weather. 

Body sculpting explained

Body sculpting is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that can eliminate stubborn areas of fat and skin that don’t respond well to diet and exercise. But if you have a body mass index (BMI) below 30, you can utilize body sculpting to obtain a slimmer and more toned appearance.

At Butterfly MedSpa and Wellness, we offer the following body sculpting techniques:


EmSculpt is an innovative technology that not only eliminates fat but also tones your body. It uses electromagnetic waves to do supramaximal muscle contractions — stronger contractions than you could ever do on your own. 

During an EmSculpt session, the electromagnetic waves induce about 20,000 super maximal contractions, equal to doing 20,000 full crunches in 30 minutes. Forced to respond to these excessive conditions, your muscle tissue starts remodeling its structures, resulting in more lean mass and less fat. 


Exilis is a treatment that uses heat from radiofrequency energy waves to boost collagen and elastin production while also thickening and firming up your skin. Exlis can tighten loose areas of skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles in the targeted treatment areas. 

This body sculpting treatment can be especially helpful if you’ve recently lost some weight, but still have loose skin that won’t diminish even with diet and exercise. 

What to expect from body sculpting 

During EmSculpt, we aim the electromagnetic waves toward the area you want to be sculpted, such as your abdomen or buttocks. Each area we target takes about 30 minutes. If you want multiple areas treated for stubborn fat, you’ll still need a 30-minute session for each section. 

You may have temporarily sore muscles afterward, but the procedure doesn’t require any downtime.

If you decide to sculpt your body and tighten your skin with Exilis, we use a handheld wand to direct the radiofrequency energy to the targeted treatment areas. You won’t experience any discomfort with Exilis; many people compare the treatment to a hot stone massage. Depending on the treatment area, the procedure can take up to 30 minutes.

Ready to reveal your summer body?

For more information on how body sculpting can help you achieve your summer body goals, schedule a consultation by calling our office at 346-341-0600 or booking online today.