How Lip Fillers Can Complete Your Smile Makeover

How Lip Fillers Can Complete Your Smile Makeover
A smile makeover is a great way to reclaim your self-confidence as you show off your perfect teeth and gums. However, we think lip fillers can take that already perfect smile to the next level. Keep reading to learn why.

While it may seem that some people are naturally blessed with a perfect smile, that’s just not the case for everyone. If you’re not completely satisfied with your smile, you might choose to undergo a smile makeover. This cosmetic dentistry treatment consists of multiple procedures such as braces, veneers, dental implants, gum grafting, and teeth whitening, to name a few.

However, once your teeth and gums are set exactly how you’d like them, we think there’s one more step that will perfect the work you’ve already had done: lip fillers. Lip fillers are a great way to accentuate your fresh, beautiful smile, giving you the ability to show off your new look with confidence.

At Butterfly MedSpa and Wellness in Spring, Texas, Dr. Ben Cilento and our team offer lip fillers to help take your smile to the next level. Read on as we explore the ins and outs of lip fillers — including what they can do for your smile.

Understanding lip fillers

Lip fillers are a type of dermal filler that can add plumpness and fullness to your lips. At Butterfly MedSpa and Wellness, we use Restylane® lip filler products, which consist of a synthetic version of hyaluronic acid — a substance found naturally in your body. 

As long as you’re in good physical health and you don’t have any active oral infections such as a cold sore, you can be considered a candidate for lip fillers. They can help fill in thin and shallow lips, correct lips that are asymmetrical, smooth out any wrinkles, or add a Cupid’s bow to your top lip.

What to expect when you get lip fillers

Before we start with any cosmetic procedure, we discuss your aesthetic goals. If you have any ideas about how you’d like your lips to look, we review whether your cosmetic objectives will complement your appearance. However, if you’re unsure exactly what you want to achieve, we can make some recommendations based on your face shape and structure.

When it comes time to apply the fillers, we numb the area with a topical anesthetic to minimize any discomfort. We may also give you some ice while we apply the fillers to keep swelling and bruising to a minimum.

You may experience some mild discomfort for the first 24 hours, and it may take a full week for the mild swelling to dissipate. However, after these temporary side effects have faded, you can enjoy your lip filler results for about a year, after which you’ll need periodic filler treatments to maintain your beautifully enhanced lips.

If you’re ready to complete your perfect smile makeover, we can help. Call or click online to schedule a consultation with our experts at Butterfly MedSpa and Wellness in Spring, Texas, today.