I Regret My Tattoo: What Can I Expect with Tattoo Removal?

I Regret My Tattoo: What Can I Expect with Tattoo Removal?
Do you have a tattoo that you just can’t stand? Maybe it was poorly drawn, or it no longer goes with your look. Whatever the case may be, laser tattoo removal is an ideal solution. Read on to learn how it works.

Tattoos are a great way to express yourself. From elaborate designs to the names of loved ones, there’s not much you can’t get through this permanent form of body art. 

When you get a tattoo, solid needles are used to place ink into the deep layers of your skin, past the epidermis to where your nerves and blood vessels reside. Some of your body’s messengers can even take the color deep into your lymph nodes. 

Your body sees the ink as a foreign substance and tries to get rid of it, but the chemistry of the ink makes that process fairly difficult, which is why so much of the color stays.

It’s not uncommon to realize later in life that an earlier tattoo is no longer aesthetically pleasing or relevant to you. That’s why Ben W. Cilento, MD, MHA, and the rest of our team at Butterfly MedSpa and Wellness in Spring, Texas, offer laser tattoo removal. Here’s what you can expect when you see us for this advanced treatment.

How does laser tattoo removal work?

Laser tattoo removal is currently the most common form of tattoo removal. When you get a tattoo, the ink particles are much too large for your body to remove on its own. However, laser tattoo removal can break up these particles, making it possible for your body to start removing the ink.

Lasers send out high-intensity pulses of light energy that target the tattoo ink but don’t damage the surrounding skin tissue. The heat of the light is what damages the ink and breaks it down into those smaller particles. 

You’ll notice your tattoo starting to fade as your body’s immune system begins discarding the ink. However, this process typically takes several sessions to complete.

The laser tattoo removal process

When you come in to see us for tattoo removal, we examine your tattoo to determine how many sessions it may take to remove it. Small, black tattoos are very easy to remove; however, colorful tattoos or body art with lots of layers can take quite a bit longer. 

During the actual removal process, you wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the laser. We also numb the treatment area to keep you comfortable for the entirety of the procedure. Then, we apply the laser to the tattoo to start removing it.

It may take awhile for your body to remove the ink, so be patient while your immune system works to eliminate the shattered ink particles. After a few sessions, you should notice that your tattoo is significantly lighter; eventually it should fade significantly — or disappear completely — after you finish your final treatment session. 

Ready to start the tattoo removal process? Butterfly MedSpa and Wellness is here to help. Give us a call today, or set up an appointment by using our online scheduler any time.