Laser Hair Removal: You’ll Wonder Why You Waited So Long

 Laser Hair Removal: You’ll Wonder Why You Waited So Long
If you’re tired of constantly shaving and waxing away unwanted body hair, laser hair removal might be the right next step for you. Here, we explore everything you need to know about this popular cosmetic procedure.

Getting rid of unwanted body hair can be a regular pain. You may feel like you constantly have to pluck, shave, or wax, only to have it all grow back far too quickly. But, what if there was a way to completely eliminate that never-ending process of body hair removal? 

Well, there is: Laser hair removal is a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to eradicate virtually any area of unwanted hair on your body and face. 

At Butterfly MedSpa and Wellness in Spring, Texas, Ben W. Cilento, MD, MHA, and our expert team offer this cutting-edge treatment to help you feel your best — and take one more item off your regular beauty to-do list. Here’s how laser hair removal works, and what you can expect when you see us for this cosmetic treatment.

Explaining laser hair removal

Laser hair removal uses concentrated, highly targeted light energy to remove unwanted hair. The lasers use specific wavelengths to emit light that’s absorbed by your hair follicles. As the pigment cells in your hair follicles absorb the energy, the heat subsequently “flips the switch” on their growth phase and effectively deactivates them. 

When those follicles are permanently deactivated, they no longer produce shafts of hair. However, it may take several sessions to fully deter hair growth, and you may need periodic follow-up sessions for long-term maintenance. 

Laser hair removal can be used in many different areas of your body including your face, upper lip, chin, arms, underarms, back, chest, buttocks, legs, and bikini area. We can even remove hair from multiple areas during a single session.

Preparing for laser hair removal

Before you have a laser hair removal session, our team asks you about your aesthetic goals and determines if you’re a good candidate for the treatment. We can answer any questions you have and review your health history, which may include discussing medications you’re taking and assessing the hair quality and color in the area you’d like to treat.

About six weeks before your first laser hair removal session, avoid unnecessary sun exposure and make sure you don’t wax or pluck any of the hair you’re wanting removed. 

What to expect during laser hair removal

The day before your treatment, shave the treatment area so there’s minimal stubble — and just enough hair in the shaft to absorb the laser’s targeted energy. For laser hair removal to be as effective as possible (and to reduce the risk of burns), the hair should be no longer than a grain of rice.

When you arrive at your appointment, you sit back in a comfortable chair while our team cleans the treatment area and applies a mild topical anesthetic. Once the treatment starts, you’ll wear goggles to protect your eyes from the laser’s light. 

The whole process could take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the treatment area and its overall hair density.

Once you’ve had laser hair removal, you’ll never need to go back to shaving or waxing again. Get started with this highly effective cosmetic treatment by calling our office at 346-341-0600 today, or by using our easy online booking tool to schedule an appointment any time.