The Role of Collagen and Elastin in Your Skin

The Role of Collagen and Elastin in Your Skin
Collagen and elastin are proteins that do a lot throughout your body. So, what role do they play in the structure and texture of your skin? Read on to discover how collagen and elastin keep your skin young and healthy.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It protects against germs, regulates your body’s temperature, and allows you to experience touch sensations. Composed of three different layers, skin is made up of water, proteins, fats, and minerals.

The dermis — your thick middle layer of skin — largely consists of two proteins called collagen and elastin. These dermal building blocks are vital for skin’s tightness and elasticity, which give your skin a youthful appearance. As you get older and your skin starts producing less of these proteins, you begin to see wrinkles and other common signs of aging. 

Because collagen and elastin play vital roles in skin health and vitality, Ben W. Cilento, MD, MHA, and our team at Butterfly MedSpa and Wellness want you to better understand how aging impacts their production — and how our various aesthetic treatments can reverse collagen and elastin loss and restore optimal levels. 

Understanding how collagen and elastin work

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, making up 70-80% of the dry weight of your skin. It gives your skin its structural integrity and is present in your tendons, ligaments, and fat as well, connecting all of your body parts. Collagen is even responsible for your bone structure. Having a healthy amount of collagen cells ensures your skin is strong, vital, and appears youthful. 

Elastin is also abundant throughout your body, although there’s not nearly as much in your skin as there is collagen. This protein provides stretch and elasticity to the parts of your body that need it such as your lungs, blood vessels, bladder, and skin. Without elastin, all your skin would sag and droop.

Together, collagen and elastin provide your skin with a strong, tight, and youthful texture, appearance, and shape.

How aging affects your skin

As you get older, your body starts making less collagen and elastin. Once these proteins aren’t quite as abundant, you may notice your skin is thinner, saggier, and duller. As you age and lose collagen and elastin, sun exposure and gravity exacerbate the issue, making your skin even wrinklier and sagier. 

Solutions for collagen and elastin loss 

While you certainly can’t stop the aging process, there are ways you can increase collagen and elastin production to combat this natural protein production decline. There are also treatments available that can address signs of aging like thinning skin and wrinkles. 

At Butterfly MedSpa and Wellness, we offer the following services to boost collagen and elastin production and rejuvenate your skin:

  • Dermaplaning triggers the collagen remodeling process
  • Botox® erases fine lines, smooths skin, and fosters collagen renewal
  • Laser skin resurfacing stimulates collagen production and elastin renewal
  • Dermal fillers plump skin, smooth out large wrinkles, and boost skin proteins
  • Microneedling encourages collagen production and new skin cell growth

Wearing sunscreen, avoiding smoking, and keeping your skin moisturized can also protect your skin from additional damage that may age you further.

If reduced collagen and elastin production has left you with aging skin, Butterfly MedSpa and Wellness has a solution that can help you. Call or click online to schedule an appointment for skin rejuvenation by calling your nearest office in Spring or The Woodlands of Houston, Texas, today.